Friday, February 19, 2010

Please help me understand the allure of online poker.

Seriously folks, help me understand this.  Is online poker really poker at all?  Isn't this game about sitting down at a table with real cards and real people?  I guess my seven year old probably thinks that Super Mario Kart Wii is really driving.

Maybe I'm just a simple donkey, but I'm not getting it.  If I'm going to blow $500K, I want at least a free drink to go with it.  Or maybe there's some equivalent comp that these guys are getting out of the whole deal that I don't know about.

Or maybe, just maybe, it's something more like this: (or, for the scientists among you, this:  And for the lazy-asses among you, the punchline is brain damage can lessen the natural aversion to risk-taking. Been dropped on you head lately?

[On a side note, for these studies "people" clearly does not = "poker players".  Take this as evidence:  "Across many studies, losses typically loom about 1.5-2 times as large as gains:  for instance, people will avoid gambles in which they are equally likely to either lose $10 or win $15..." (emphasis added)]

Now, before you start accusing me of getting all high and mighty by accusing online poker players with either being brain damaged or compulsive gamblers, I will reiterate that I play poker (the live version) every Friday night (and then some, if I can present a convincing argument to my wife and kids as to why that's necessary).  And I have no regulatory obligation to present anti-gambling messages on this blog (if you feel that you have a gambling problem, please visit; they'll roll out the red carpet for you, Mr. Watanabe

It's just that I really don't understand online poker.  Please help.

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