Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow bound

Well I am posting my first blog after our area has been walloped by two snow storms of record proportions. Baltimore, my home, has gotten about 3 1/2 feet of snow in the last 4 days. That is what we usually get in a year. I have cabin fever and just want to play poker. Even If I have to take my 9 year olds money, I'm going to find a game!

My problem is after not having played for so long, that I will want to play every hand. We all know that will not be good for the bank roll. It is hard to make sure that no matter how badly you want to play, gamble, etc. that you go into the game with the right mindset. I usually try to find one player at the table that I want to tilt. There are multiple ways of doing this. My favorite is to point out his/her tells as they make them. Not give it away mind you simply tell them oh you just did your "Thing". I have to fold/or raise you all in. Get in their head. Let them know you can read them and they go nuts. They change their style of play to adjust. Once they are off their game, youve got them.

Remember keep your mind set, and try to get others off their game.

Have fun and don't feed the donkey.


  1. I've played cards with you, and I'm not convinced you could take money from your nine year old (unless, possibly, you were armed and she wasn't).

  2. Even armed, my money is still on her.
